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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
    1. slang tight
      USA: taɪ't UK: taɪt
    1. informal squiffy
      UK: skwɪfiː
    1. informal US pixilated
      UK: pɪksɪleɪtɪd
    1. slang US pickled
      USA: pɪ'kʌ·ld UK: pɪkld
    1. merry
      USA: me'riː· UK: meriː
    1. informal mellow
      USA: me'loʊ· UK: meloʊ
    1. informal jolly
      USA: ʤɔ'liː· UK: ʤɔliː
    1. informal fuzzy
      USA: fʌ'ziː· UK: fʌziː
    1. informal festive
      USA: fe'stɪ·v UK: festɪv
    1. informal elated
      USA: ʌ·leɪ'tʌ·d UK: ɪleɪtɪd
kissé spiccesexp
    1. a bit on
      USA: eɪ' bɪ't ɔ'n UK: eɪ bɪt ɔn
becsip, spicces leszexp
    1. tipsy / get -
      USA: tɪ'psiː· gɪ't UK: tɪpsiː get
becsíp, spicces leszexp
    1. get tipsy
      USA: gɪ't tɪ'psiː· UK: get tɪpsiː
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