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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
    1. informal US woody
      USA: wʊ'diː· UK: wʊdiː
    1. incomplete
      USA: ɪ"nkʌ·mpliː't UK: ɪnkəmpliːt
    1. imperfect
      USA: ɪ"mpəː'fɪ·kt UK: ɪmpəːfɪkt
    1. half
      USA: hæ'f UK: hɑf
    1. defective
      USA: dʌ·fe'ktɪ·v UK: dɪfektɪv
    1. informal cracked
      USA: kræ'kt UK: krækt
    1. imperfection
      USA: ɪ"mpəː·fe'kʃʌ·n UK: ɪmpəfekʃn
    1. immaturity
      USA: ɪ"mʌ·tʃʊ'rʌ·tiː· UK: ɪmətjʊərɪtiː
    1. failing
      USA: feɪ'lɪ·ŋ UK: feɪlɪŋ
    1. deficiency
      USA: dʌ·fɪ'ʃʌ·nsiː· UK: dɪfɪʃnsiː
    1. defect
      USA: dʌ·fe'kt UK: diːfekt
tökéletlenség, hiányosságnoun
    1. incompleteness
      UK: ɪnkəmpliːtnəs
tökéletlenül elégett széndarabnoun
    1. ash
      USA: æ'ʃ UK: æʃ
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