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Hungarian-German dictionary

Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: German-Hungarian dictionary
39557 Words
72606 Translations
0 Examples
20 Expressions
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again and againexp USA: ʌ·geɪ'n ʌ·nd ʌ·geɪ'n UK: əgen ənd əgen
again / ever -exp USA: ʌ·geɪ'n e'vəː· UK: əgen evər
again / time and -exp USA: ʌ·geɪ'n taɪ'm ʌ·nd UK: əgen taɪm ənd
againstprep USA: ʌ·ge'nst UK: əgenst
against a receiptexp USA: ʌ·ge'nst eɪ' riː·siː't UK: əgenst eɪ rɪsiːt
against his comingexp USA: ʌ·ge'nst hʌ·z kʌ'mɪ·ŋ UK: əgenst hɪz kʌmɪŋ
against the grainexp USA: ʌ·ge'nst ðiː· greɪ'n UK: əgenst ðiː greɪn
against the grain with syexp USA: ʌ·ge'nst ðiː· greɪ'n wʌ·ð saɪ'
against the rulesadj USA: ʌ·ge'nst ðiː· ruː'lz UK: əgenst ðiː ruːlz
against the streamexp USA: ʌ·ge'nst ðiː· striː'm UK: əgenst ðiː striːm
against the sunexp USA: ʌ·ge'nst ðiː· sʌ'n UK: əgenst ðiː sʌn
breathe againv USA: briː'ð ʌ·geɪ'n UK: briːð əgen
ever againexp USA: e'vəː· ʌ·geɪ'n UK: evər əgen
never againadv USA: ne'vəː· ʌ·geɪ'n UK: nevər əgen
occur againv USA: ʌ·kəː' ʌ·geɪ'n UK: əkəːr əgen
over againadv USA: oʊ'vəː· ʌ·geɪ'n UK: oʊvər əgen
then againexp USA: ðe'n ʌ·geɪ'n UK: ðen əgen
then againadv USA: ðe'n ʌ·geɪ'n UK: ðen əgen
as againstexp USA: e'z ʌ·ge'nst UK: əz əgenst
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