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Hungarian-German dictionary

Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: German-Hungarian dictionary
39557 Words
72606 Translations
0 Examples
20 Expressions
matches in the
proof against sgexp
rebel against sgv
run against sthexp
inform against syv USA: ɪ"nfɔː'rm ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
peach against syv USA: piː'tʃ ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
pit against syexp USA: pɪ't ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
pit against syv USA: pɪ't ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
proceed against syv USA: pəː·siː'd ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
rail against syv USA: reɪ'l ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
swear against syv USA: swe'r ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
nuzzle against sy's shoulderv
offence against the lawnoun UK: əfens əgenst ðiː lɔː
offense against the lawnoun USA: ʌ·fe'ns ʌ·ge'nst ðiː· lɔ' UK: əfens əgenst ðiː lɔː
race against the timeexp USA: reɪ's ʌ·ge'nst ðiː· taɪ'm UK: reɪs əgenst ðiː taɪm
lash against the windowsexp USA: læ'ʃ ʌ·ge'nst ðiː· wɪ'ndoʊ·z UK: læʃ əgenst ðiː wɪndoʊz
race against timeexp USA: reɪ's ʌ·ge'nst taɪ'm UK: reɪs əgenst taɪm
as many againexp USA: e'z me'niː· ʌ·geɪ'n UK: əz meniː əgen
as much againexp USA: e'z mʌ'tʃ ʌ·geɪ'n UK: əz mʌtʃ əgen
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