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Hungarian-German dictionary

Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: German-Hungarian dictionary
39557 Words
72606 Translations
0 Examples
20 Expressions
matches in the
everything told against himexp USA: e'vriː·θɪ"ŋ toʊ'ld ʌ·ge'nst ɪ"m UK: evrɪθɪŋ toʊld əgenst hɪm
he's dead against itexp
bear up against misfortuneexp USA: be'r ʌ'p ʌ·ge'nst mɪ"sfɔː'rtʃʌ·n UK: beər ʌp əgenst mɪsfɔːtʃuːn
it is against natureadj USA: ʌ·t ʌ·z ʌ·ge'nst neɪ'tʃəː· UK: ɪt ɪz əgenst neɪtʃər
bring charges against sbexp
say sth against sbexp
be covered against sgv
be secure against sgv
be biased against syv USA: biː· baɪ'ʌ·st ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
do battle against syv USA: duː' bæ'tʌ·l ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
hold sg against syv
match sy against syv USA: mæ'tʃ saɪ' ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
pit sy against syexp USA: pɪ't saɪ' ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
pit sy against syv USA: pɪ't saɪ' ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
run up against syv USA: rʌ'n ʌ'p ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
set sy against syv USA: se't saɪ' ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
cut and come againexp USA: kʌ't ʌ·nd kʌ'm ʌ·geɪ'n UK: kʌt ənd kʌm əgen
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