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Hungarian-German dictionary

Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: German-Hungarian dictionary
39557 Words
72606 Translations
0 Examples
20 Expressions
matches in the
set one's face against sgv
stub one's toe against sgv
bring a charge against syv USA: brɪ'ŋ eɪ' tʃɔ'rʤ ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
bring an action against syv USA: brɪ'ŋ ʌ·n æ'kʃʌ·n ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
bring a suit against syv USA: brɪ'ŋ eɪ' suː't ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
go to war against syv USA: goʊ' tʌ· wɔː'r ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
lift one's hand against syv USA: lɪ'ft wʌ'nz hæ'nd ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
play sy off against syv USA: pleɪ' saɪ' ɔː'f ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
take a pique against syv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' piː'k ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
take up arms against syv USA: teɪ'k ʌ'p ɔ'rmz ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
don't darken my door againexp
don't let it occur again!exp
i won't see him againexp USA: aɪ' woʊ'nt siː' ɪ"m ʌ·geɪ'n UK: aɪ woʊnt siː hɪm əgen
she is at it again!exp USA: ʃiː' ʌ·z æ't ʌ·t ʌ·geɪ'n UK: ʃiː ɪz ət ɪt əgen
make out a case againstexp USA: meɪ'k aʊ't eɪ' keɪ's ʌ·ge'nst UK: meɪk aʊt eɪ keɪs əgenst
judgement is for sy, against syexp USA: ʤʌ'ʤmʌ·nt ʌ·z frəː· saɪ' ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
make out a case against syv USA: meɪ'k aʊ't eɪ' keɪ's ʌ·ge'nst saɪ'
it's lovely to see you againexp USA: ʌ·ts lʌ'vliː· tʌ· siː' yuː' ʌ·geɪ'n UK: ɪts lʌvliː tuː siː juː əgen
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