matches in the
binding offerexp USA: baɪ'ndɪ·ŋ ɔː'fəː· UK: baɪndɪŋ ɔfər
binding postexp USA: baɪ'ndɪ·ŋ poʊ'st UK: baɪndɪŋ poʊst
bindweednoun UK: baɪndwiːd
bingenoun USA: bɪ'nʤ UK: bɪnʤ
bingo!interj USA: bɪ'ŋgoʊ· UK: bɪŋgoʊ
bingo!exp USA: bɪ'ŋgoʊ· UK: bɪŋgoʊ
bingo hallnoun USA: bɪ'ŋgoʊ· hɔː'l UK: bɪŋgoʊ hɔːl
binnaclenoun UK: bɪnəkl
binocularsnoun USA: bʌ·nɔ'kyʌ·ləː·z UK: bɪnɔkjʊləz
binomialnoun USA: baɪ·noʊ'miː·ʌ·l UK: baɪnoʊmɪəl
binomialadj USA: baɪ·noʊ'miː·ʌ·l UK: baɪnoʊmɪəl
biochemicadj UK: baɪoʊkemɪk
biochemicaladj USA: baɪ"oʊ·ke'mʌ·kʌ·l UK: baɪoʊkemɪkl
biochemistnoun USA: baɪ"oʊ·ke'mʌ·st UK: baɪoʊkemɪst
biochemistrynoun USA: baɪ"oʊ·ke'mʌ·striː· UK: baɪoʊkemɪstriː
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