504 matches in 3 dictionaries. Details
morenoun USA: mɔː'r UK: mɔːr
moreadj USA: mɔː'r UK: mɔːr
more and moreexp USA: mɔː'r ʌ·nd mɔː'r UK: mɔːr ənd mɔːr
more / any -adj USA: mɔː'r e'niː· UK: mɔːr eniː
more difficultexp USA: mɔː'r dɪ'fʌ·kʌ·lt UK: mɔːr dɪfɪkəlt
any moreexp USA: e'niː· mɔː'r UK: eniː mɔːr
even moreexp USA: iː'vʌ·n mɔː'r UK: iːvn mɔːr
many more besidesexp USA: me'niː· mɔː'r bʌ·saɪ'dz UK: meniː mɔːr bɪsaɪdz
compare more diskettesexp USA: kʌ·mpe'r mɔː'r dɪ"ske'ts
compare more filesexp USA: kʌ·mpe'r mɔː'r faɪ'lz UK: kəmpeər mɔːr faɪlz
a little moreexp USA: eɪ' lɪ'tʌ·l mɔː'r UK: eɪ lɪtl mɔːr
more abominableundef
more abruptundef
more absentmindedundef
more absorbentundef
more abstinentundef
more absurdundef
more academicundef
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