503 matches in 14 dictionaries. Details
mostnoun USA: moʊ's UK: moʊst
mostadv USA: moʊ's UK: moʊst
most / at -exp USA: moʊ's æ't UK: moʊst ət
most comfortableexp USA: moʊ's kʌ'mfəː·tʌ·bʌ·l UK: moʊst kʌmftəbl
most likelyexp USA: moʊ's laɪ'kliː· UK: moʊst laɪkliː
at mostexp USA: æ't moʊ's UK: ət moʊst
in most casesexp USA: ɪ'n moʊ's keɪ'sʌ·z UK: ɪn moʊst keɪsɪz
it is most desirableexp USA: ʌ·t ʌ·z moʊ's dʌ·zaɪ'əː·ʌ·bʌ·l UK: ɪt ɪz moʊst dɪzaɪərəbl
most abominableundef
most abruptundef
most absentmindedundef
most absorbentundef
most abstinentundef
most absurdundef
most academicundef
most acidicundef
most acid-proofundef
most activeundef
most acuteundef
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