matches in the
pock-marknoun USA: pɔ'kmɔ"rk UK: pɔkmɑk
pockmarkedadj USA: pɔ'kmɔ"rkt UK: pɔkmɑkt
pock-markedadj USA: pɔ'kmɔ"rkt UK: pɔkmɑkt
podnoun USA: pɔ'd UK: pɔd
podnoun USA: pɔ'd UK: pɔd
podv trans v USA: pɔ'd UK: pɔd
podgyadj UK: pɔʤiː
podiatrynoun UK: pədaɪətriː
podiumnoun USA: poʊ'diː·ʌ·m UK: poʊdɪəm
poemnoun USA: poʊ'ʌ·m UK: poʊɪm
poesynoun UK: poʊɪziː
poetnoun USA: poʊ'ʌ·t UK: poʊɪt
poet laureateexp USA: poʊ'ʌ·t lɔː'riː·ʌ·t UK: poʊɪt lɔrɪət
poetasternoun UK: poʊɪtæstə
poetessnoun UK: poʊɪtes
poeticadj USA: poʊ·e'tɪ·k UK: poʊetɪk
poetic justiceexp USA: poʊ·e'tɪ·k ʤʌ'stʌ·s UK: poʊetɪk ʤʌstɪs
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