matches in the
pompanonoun USA: pɔ'mpʌ·noʊ" UK: pɔmpənoʊ
pompomnoun UK: pɔmpɔm
pompom gunnoun UK: pɔmpɔm gʌn
pomponnoun USA: pɔ'mpɔ"n UK: pɔmpɔn
pompositynoun USA: pɔ"mpɔ'sʌ·tiː· UK: pɔmpɔsɪtiː
pompousnessnoun USA: pɔ'mpʌ·snʌ·s UK: pɔmpəsnes
poncenoun USA: pɔ'ns UK: pɔns
ponchonoun USA: pɔ'ntʃoʊ· UK: pɔntʃoʊ
pondnoun USA: pɔ'nd UK: pɔnd
ponderv trans v USA: pɔ'ndəː· UK: pɔndər
ponderableadj UK: pɔndərəbl
ponderingadj USA: pɔ'ndəː·ɪ·ŋ UK: pɔndərɪŋ
ponenoun UK: poʊn
poniardv trans v UK: pɔnjəd
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