matches in the
point for pointexp USA: pɔɪ'nt frəː· pɔɪ'nt UK: pɔɪnt fəː pɔɪnt
point goodsexp USA: pɔɪ'nt gʊ'dz UK: pɔɪnt gʊdz
point guardexp USA: pɔɪ'nt gɔ'rd UK: pɔɪnt gɑd
point of departureexp USA: pɔɪ'nt ʌ·v dʌ·pɔ'rtʃəː· UK: pɔɪnt ɔv dɪpɑtʃər
point of honorexp USA: pɔɪ'nt ʌ·v ɔ'nəː· UK: pɔɪnt ɔv ɔnər
point of honourexp UK: pɔɪnt ɔv ɔnər
point of osculationexp UK: pɔɪnt ɔv ɔskjʊleɪʃən
point outexp USA: pɔɪ'nt aʊ't UK: pɔɪnt aʊt
point outv trans v USA: pɔɪ'nt aʊ't UK: pɔɪnt aʊt
point-blankadv UK: pɔɪntblæŋk
pointedadj USA: pɔɪ'nʌ·d UK: pɔɪntɪd
pointed archexp USA: pɔɪ'nʌ·d ɔ'rtʃ UK: pɔɪntɪd ɑtʃ
pointedlyadv USA: pɔɪ'nʌ·dliː· UK: pɔɪntɪdliː
pointednessnoun UK: pɔɪntɪdnəs
pointersnoun USA: pɔɪ'ntəː·z UK: pɔɪntəz
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