matches in the
pointlessadj USA: pɔɪ'ntlʌ·s UK: pɔɪntlɪs
pointlesslyadv UK: pɔɪntlɪsliː
pointlesslyadv UK: pɔɪntlɪsliː
pointmannoun UK: pɔɪntmæn
pointsnoun USA: pɔɪ'nts UK: pɔɪnts
poisenoun USA: pɔɪ'z UK: pɔɪz
poisenoun USA: pɔɪ'z UK: pɔɪz
poisev intrans v USA: pɔɪ'z UK: pɔɪz
poise of mindexp USA: pɔɪ'z ʌ·v maɪ'nd UK: pɔɪz ɔv maɪnd
poisedadj USA: pɔɪ'zd UK: pɔɪzd
poisernoun UK: pɔɪzər
poisonnoun USA: pɔɪ'zʌ·n UK: pɔɪzn
poisonv trans v USA: pɔɪ'zʌ·n UK: pɔɪzn
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