6 matches in 3 dictionaries. Details
    1. spongy
      USA: spʌ'nʤiː· UK: spʌnʤiː
    1. soppy
      UK: sɔpiː
    1. soggy
      USA: sɔ'giː· UK: sɔgiː
    1. old sodden
      USA: sɔ'dʌ·n UK: sɔdn
    1. soaking
      USA: soʊ'kɪ·ŋ UK: soʊkɪŋ
    1. soaked
      USA: soʊ'kt UK: soʊkt
    1. be wet through
      USA: biː· we't θruː' UK: biː wet θruː
teljeszen átázottexp
    1. be wet through and through
      USA: biː· we't θruː' ʌ·nd θruː' UK: biː wet θruː ənd θruː
    1. vernac mollo
    1. literary guazzo
    1. fradicio
    1. old Rome fracido
átázott talajnoun
    1. fradicio
      0 frádicio
    1. old Rome fracido
átázott volta vmineksing noun
  1. geo law
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