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Türkçe-Bulgarca Sözlük

Turkish-Bulgarian invite only and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: boracasli
Reverse dictionary: Bulgarca-Türkçe Sözlük
111 Words
114 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
403 matches in 5 dictionaries.
I cannot make head or tail of it.undef
I can't make head or tail of it.undef
shrink (short for headshrinker)undef
She has a slight headache.undef
It never entered my head (thoughts).undef
We're not making any headway.undef
He always keeps a level head.undef
hit the nail on the headundef
hold a pistol on someone's headundef
hold a pistol to someone's headundef
with a shake of the headundef
have been dropped on one's head by one's motherundef
Those who can't use their head must use their back.undef
Get it into your thick head that ...undef
He has taken it into his head.undef
I can do it on my head.undef
Please don't put ideas into his head.undef
He keeps a civil tongue in his head.undef
I can do that standing on my head.undef
A crown is no cure for a headache.undef
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