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Turkish-Hungarian dictionary

Turkish-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: spenotka
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Turkish dictionary
3 Words
3 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
403 matches in 5 dictionaries.
header pipenoun USA: he'dəː· paɪ'p UK: hedər paɪp
head firstexp USA: he'd fəː'st UK: hed fəːst
head-gearnoun USA: he'dgɪ"r UK: hedgɪər
headgearnoun USA: he'dgɪ"r UK: hedgɪər
headhuntv trans v UK: hedhʌnt
head-hunternoun USA: he'dhʌ"ntəː· UK: hedhʌntə
headhunternoun USA: he'dhʌ"ntəː· UK: hedhʌntə
head-huntingnoun UK: hedhʌntɪŋ
headingv USA: he'dɪ·ŋ UK: hedɪŋ
headlampnoun UK: hedlæmp
headlandnoun UK: hedlænd
headlightnoun USA: he'dlaɪ"t UK: hedlaɪt
headlight(s)noun USA: he'dlaɪ"ts UK: hedlaɪts
headlinernoun USA: he'dlaɪ"nəː· UK: hedlaɪnər
headlocknoun UK: hedlɔk
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