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Български-Английски Речник

Bulgarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Gustavhrv90
Reverse dictionary: English-Bulgarian Dictionary
240 Words
253 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
487 matches in 16 dictionaries. Details
passe-partoutm inv noun Fr paszpartú
passeraundef pássera
passera di mareundef
    1. Pleuronectes platessa sima lepényhal
passeroundef pássero
    1. Passer Italiae olasz veréb
passero domesticoundef
    1. Passer domesticus házi veréb
passero mattugioundef
    1. Passer montanus mezei veréb
passiamo oltre!undef
passibileaminek: di undef passíbile
passibileamire: di undef passíbile
passibileundef passíbile
passibileamire/amivel: di undef passíbile
passi colossalim noun
passifloraf noun
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