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Chinese-Hungarian dictionary

Chinese-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Chinese dictionary
18613 Words
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matches in the
palenessnoun UK: peɪlnəs
paleolithicadj UK: pæliːoʊlɪθɪk
paleontologynoun USA: peɪ"liː·ʌ·ntɔ'lʌ·ʤiː· UK: pælɪɔntɔləʤiː
Palestiniannoun USA: pæ"lʌ·stɪ'niː·ʌ·n UK: pæləstɪnɪən
palettenoun USA: pæ'lʌ·t UK: pælɪt
  1. arts
palfreynoun USA: pæ'lfriː· UK: pɔːlfriː
palimpsestnoun UK: pælɪmpsest
palindromicadj UK: pælɪndroʊmɪk
palisadenoun USA: pæ"lʌ·seɪ'd UK: pælɪseɪd
palisadev trans v USA: pæ"lʌ·seɪ'd UK: pælɪseɪd
palishadj UK: peɪlɪʃ
pallv intrans v USA: pɔ'l UK: pɔːl
pallv trans v USA: pɔ'l UK: pɔːl
pallnoun USA: pɔ'l UK: pɔːl
palladiumnoun USA: pʌ·leɪ'diː·ʌ·m UK: pəleɪdjəm
pall-bearernoun UK: pɔːlbeərər
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