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Chinese-Hungarian dictionary

Chinese-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Chinese dictionary
18613 Words
33182 Translations
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0 Expressions
matches in the
steamyadj USA: stiː'miː· UK: stiːmiː
stearinnoun UK: stɪərɪn
stearsnoun USA: stiː'rz
steatopygianoun UK: stɪətoʊpaɪʤjə
steatopygousadj UK: stɪətoʊpaɪgəs
steednoun USA: stiː'd UK: stiːd
    1. humor paripa
steedsnoun UK: stiːdz
steelv trans v USA: stiː'l UK: stiːl
  1. metallurgy
  2. metallurgy
steel cableexp USA: stiː'l keɪ'bʌ·l UK: stiːl keɪbl
steel gripexp USA: stiː'l grɪ'p UK: stiːl grɪp
steel one's heartv USA: stiː'l wʌ'nz hɔ'rt UK: stiːl wʌnz hɑt
steel oneselfv USA: stiː'l wʌ"nse'lf UK: stiːl wʌnself
steel sheetnoun USA: stiː'l ʃiː't UK: stiːl ʃiːt
steel wireexp USA: stiː'l waɪ'r UK: stiːl waɪər
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