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Chinese-Hungarian dictionary

Chinese-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-Chinese dictionary
18613 Words
33182 Translations
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0 Expressions
481 matches in 21 dictionaries. Details
bottolaf noun bóttola
    1. hal, Gobius milánói tájsz. gobius
botton d'oroundef
    1. Trollius europaeus L. zergeboglár
    1. Sicalis flaveola sáfránypinty
    1. írógépen billentyű
  1. techn
    1. ruhán gomb
bottone a occhielloundef
bottone automaticoundef
bottone d'Oriente / d'Aleppoundef
colpo / botta di culoundef
chiudere bottegaundef
di bottoundef
attaccare bottoneundef
    1. hosszú, unalmas beszélgetéssel feltartóztat
  1. figurative
orto / giardino botanicoundef
cerchio di botteundef
fare a botteundef
garzone di bottega / negozioundef
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