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English-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: mmovipnet
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462 matches in 12 dictionaries. Details
befogadási feltételek
a befogadás anyagi feltételei
feltnoun USA: fe'lt UK: felt
feltv intrans v USA: fe'lt UK: felt
bituminous feltexp USA: bʌ·tuː'mʌ·nʌ·s fe'lt UK: bɪtjuːmɪnəs felt
feel, feltv USA: fiː'l fe'lt UK: fiːl felt
feel - feltexp USA: fiː'l fe'lt UK: fiːl felt
feel , felt , feltv USA: fiː'l fe'lt fe'lt UK: fiːl felt felt
felt ashamedundef
felt bootundef
deeper feltundef
deepest feltundef
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