466 matches in 17 dictionaries.
a fene egyen meg!
- the tree is known by its fruit
USA: ðiː· triː' ʌ·z noʊ'n baɪ' ʌ·ts fruː't UK: ðiː triː ɪz noʊn baɪ ɪts fruːt
- Még nem mondtad el, hogyan jutok az állomásra.
- You have not yet told me how to get to the station.
- Fázol még? - kérdezte tőle a Hókirálynő, és homlokon csókolta.
- Are you still cold? asked she; and then she kissed his forehead.
- Are you still cold? asked she; and then she kissed his forehead.
- Fázol még? - kérdezte tőle a Hókirálynő, és homlokon csókolta.
- Are you still cold? asked she; and then she kissed his forehead.
- Are you still cold? asked she; and then she kissed his forehead.
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