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English-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Chrissy74
Reverse dictionary: MagyarAngol
12 Words
12 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
467 matches in 18 dictionaries. Details
ballare / danzare / camminare sulla cordaundef
ballare freneticamenteundef
ballare sulle punteundef
    1. balettban spiccel
ballastm inv noun
ballerina biancaundef
    1. Motacilla alba barázdabillegető
ballerina di filaundef
ballerino0 noun
ballerino di filaundef
    1. 14-18. sz., a szextáns elődje régi tengerészeti szögmérő eszköz
ballettom noun
balletto acquaticoundef
balletto politicoundef
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