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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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25 Words
30 Translations
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255 matches in 5 dictionaries. Details
afteradj USA: æ'ftəː· UK: ɑftər
afteradv USA: æ'ftəː· UK: ɑftər
afteradv USA: æ'ftəː· UK: ɑftər
afterprep USA: æ'ftəː· UK: ɑftər
after a fashionadv USA: æ'ftəː· eɪ' fæ'ʃʌ·n UK: ɑftər eɪ fæʃn
after a few amiabilitesexp
after-agesnoun noun
after all is said and doneexp USA: æ'ftəː· ɔː'l ʌ·z se'd ʌ·nd dʌ'n UK: ɑftər ɔːl ɪz sed ənd dʌn
after a mannerexp USA: æ'ftəː· eɪ' mæ'nəː· UK: ɑftər eɪ mænər
after breakfastexp USA: æ'ftəː· bre'kfʌ·st UK: ɑftər brekfəst
afterburnernoun USA: æ'ftəː·bəː"nəː· UK: ɑftəbəːnə
afterburningnoun UK: ɑftəbəːnɪŋ
aftercarenoun UK: ɑftəkeər
after-carenoun UK: ɑftəkeər
after darkexp USA: æ'ftəː· dɔ'rk UK: ɑftər dɑk
after-daysnoun noun UK: ɑftədeɪz
after-decknoun UK: ɑftədek
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