English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society
21 matches in 2 dictionaries.
announce USA: ʌ·naʊ'ns UK: ənaʊns
- It was as if one had announced a death.
- Mintha valakinek halálhírét közölték volna velünk.
- The company has announced that they are not reducing their workforce.
- A cég bejelentette, hogy nem csökkenti dolgozói létszámát.
- At last they announced the winner of the competititon.
- Végül kihirdették a verseny győztesét.
- They rode back and announced this to the King.
- Hazamentek, és jelentettek mindent a királynak.
announcement advertising
announcement effect
announcement of birth
announce over the radio
radio announcement
special announcement
traffic announcement
radio announcer
weather outlook announcer
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