English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society
38 matches in 2 dictionaries.
assignment USA: ʌ·saɪ'nmʌ·nt UK: əsaɪnmənt
- In France and Spain very short assignments of less than a month are the norm.
- Franciaországban és Spanyolországban az egy hónapnál rövidebb, rendkívül rövid megbízások általánosak.
- In the vast majority of cases assignments last for less than six months.
- Az esetek döntő többségében a feladatok kevesebb, mint hat hónapig tartanak.
assignment back
assignment by operation of law
assignment form
assignment for the benefit of creditors
assignment in advance
assignment in blank
assignment notice
assignment of accounts receivable
assignment of activities
assignment of a mission
assignment of assets to creditors
assignment of business
assignment of claim
assignment of income
assignment of invention
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