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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
27 matches in 5 dictionaries. Details
backupv USA: bæ'kʌ"p UK: bækʌp
backupv USA: bæ'kʌ"p UK: bækʌp
backup and restore utilityexp USA: bæ'kʌ"p ʌ·nd rʌ·stɔː'r yuː·tɪ'lʌ·tiː· UK: bækʌp ənd rɪstɔːr juːtɪlɪtiː
backup file sequence errorexp USA: bæ'kʌ"p faɪ'l siː'kwʌ·ns e'rəː· UK: bækʌp faɪl siːkwəns erər
back-up plannoun USA: bæ'kʌ"p plæ'n UK: bækʌp plæn
back-up planexp USA: bæ'kʌ"p plæ'n UK: bækʌp plæn
insert backup disketteexp USA: ɪ'nsəː"t bæ'kʌ"p dɪ"ske't
backup bitundef
backup computerundef
backup copyundef
backup directoryundef
backup disketteundef
backup fileundef
backup operationundef
backup procedureundef
backup serviceundef
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