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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
12 matches in 6 dictionaries. Details
    1. put one's foot in
      USA: pʊ't wʌ'nz fʊ't ɪ'n UK: pʊt wʌnz fʊt ɪn
    1. put in
      USA: pʊ't ɪ'n UK: pʊt ɪn
    1. meddle
      USA: me'dʌ·l UK: medl
    1. encroach
      USA: e·nkroʊ'tʃ UK: ɪnkroʊtʃ
    1. informal chip in
      USA: tʃɪ'p ɪ'n UK: tʃɪp ɪn
    1. meddle
      USA: me'dʌ·l UK: medl
    1. figurative eingreifen
beleavatkozik vmibeexp
    1. mischen s. +in +A
      'mɪʃən 'ɛs 'ɪn 'aː
beleavatkozik vmibeundef
beleavatkozik vmibeundef
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