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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
82 matches in 7 dictionaries. Details
clipv trans v USA: klɪ'p UK: klɪp
clip-boardnoun USA: klɪ'pbɔː"rd UK: klɪpbɔːd
clipboardnoun USA: klɪ'pbɔː"rd UK: klɪpbɔːd
clip-on earringnoun
clip one's wordsv USA: klɪ'p wʌ'nz wəː'dz UK: klɪp wʌnz wəːdz
clippernoun USA: klɪ'pəː· UK: klɪpər
clipper bowexp USA: klɪ'pəː· boʊ' UK: klɪpər boʊ
clippersnoun USA: klɪ'pəː·z UK: klɪpəz
paper clipnoun USA: peɪ'pəː· klɪ'p UK: peɪpər klɪp
spring clipnoun USA: spəː·ɪ'ŋ klɪ'p UK: sprɪŋ klɪp
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