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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
8 matches in 6 dictionaries. Details
    1. wear off
      USA: we'r ɔː'f UK: wɪər ɔf
    1. vanish
      USA: væ'nɪ·ʃ UK: vænɪʃ
    1. fade
      USA: feɪ'd UK: feɪd
    1. expire
      USA: ɪ·kspaɪ'r UK: ɪkspaɪər
    1. dwindle
      USA: dwɪ'ndʌ·l UK: dwɪndl
    1. die down
      USA: daɪ' daʊ'n UK: daɪiː daʊn
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