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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
16 matches in 7 dictionaries. Details
    1. figurative upset
      USA: ʌ'pse"t UK: ʌpset
    1. tumble over
      USA: tʌ'mbʌ·l oʊ'vəː· UK: tʌmbl oʊvər
    1. tumble down
      USA: tʌ'mbʌ·l daʊ'n UK: tʌmbl daʊn
    1. topple
      USA: tɔ'pʌ·l UK: tɔpl
    1. tip
      USA: tɪ'p UK: tɪp
    1. push over
      USA: pʊ'ʃ oʊ'vəː· UK: pʊʃ oʊvər
    1. overset
      UK: oʊvəset
    1. knock over
      USA: nɔ'k oʊ'vəː· UK: nɔk oʊvər
    1. reversible
      USA: riː·vəː'sʌ·bʌ·l UK: rɪvəːsəbl
feldönt vkitv
    1. take sy off his legs
      USA: teɪ'k saɪ' ɔː'f hʌ·z le'gz
golyóval feldöntv
    1. bowl over
      USA: boʊ'l oʊ'vəː· UK: boʊl oʊvər
csapással/ütéssel feldöntnoun
egyszeriben/hirtelen (f)eldöntundef
tömegesen (f)eldöntundef
    1. abater
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