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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

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25 Words
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23 matches in 3 dictionaries. Details
freaknoun USA: friː'k UK: friːk
    1. I see but little harm in such a freak; it was imprudent, but then it was kind.
        1. Afféle ártalmatlan csínynek tartom a dolgot; meggondolatlanul járt el, de jó érzés vezérelte.
    1. At my school I was regarded as a freak because I was not interested in rock music.
        1. A sulimban csodabogárnak tartottak, mert nem érdekelt a rockzene.
freakv trans v USA: friː'k UK: friːk
  1. informal
freakingadj USA: friː'kɪ·ŋ UK: friːkɪŋ
freakishadj UK: friːkɪʃ
freak of naturenoun USA: friː'k ʌ·v neɪ'tʃəː· UK: friːk ɔv neɪtʃər
freak-outnoun UK: friːkaʊt
freak sy outv USA: friː'k saɪ' aʊ't
freakyadj USA: friː'kiː· UK: friːkiː
coke freaknoun USA: koʊ'k friː'k UK: koʊk friːk
coke freakexp USA: koʊ'k friː'k UK: koʊk friːk
he is a freakexp USA: hiː' ʌ·z eɪ' friː'k UK: hiː ɪz eɪ friːk
freak out (forundef
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