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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
23 matches in 5 dictionaries. Details
    1. növényen gubacs
  1. old bot
  2. old
  3. old
    1. más háziállatok csűdjén puha duzzanat
  4. literary
galla di querciaundef
Galland: Le mille e una notteundef
noce di gallaundef
    1. növényen gubacs
stare a gallaundef
  1. figurative gen
tenersi a gallaundef
la verità è come l'olio che sta sempre a gallaundef
gallantnoun USA: gæ'lʌ·nt UK: gəlænt
gallantadj USA: gæ'lʌ·nt UK: gəlænt
gallantlyadv UK: gæləntliː
gallantrynoun USA: gæ'lʌ·ntriː· UK: gæləntriː
gallary ownerundef
more gallantundef
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