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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
10 matches in 8 dictionaries. Details
    1. willies
      UK: wɪlɪz
    1. vapours
      UK: veɪpəz
    1. the needle
      USA: ðiː· niː'dʌ·l UK: ðiː niːdl
    1. skittishness
      USA: skɪ'tɪ·ʃnʌ·s UK: skɪtɪʃnəs
    1. nervousness
      USA: nəː'vʌ·snʌ·s UK: nəːvəsnəs
    1. nerves
      USA: nəː'vz UK: nəːvz
    1. needle
      USA: niː'dʌ·l UK: niːdl
    1. jumpiness
      UK: ʤʌmpɪnəs
    1. jitter
      UK: ʤɪtə
    1. jangled nerves
      USA: ʤæ'ŋgʌ·ld nəː'vz UK: ʤæŋgld nəːvz
    1. flutter
      USA: flʌ'təː· UK: flʌtər
    1. chafing
      USA: tʃeɪ'fɪ·ŋ UK: tʃeɪfɪŋ
    1. e Nervosität
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Nervositäten
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Nervosität
    1. e Aufregung
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Aufregungen
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Aufregung
  1. med
    1. old f vapeur
    1. figurative m nerf
    1. figurative f crispation
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