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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
11 matches in 4 dictionaries. Details
    1. sunk
      USA: sʌ'ŋk UK: sʌŋk
    1. down and out
      USA: daʊ'n ʌ·nd aʊ't UK: daʊn ənd aʊt
    1. informal Aus bung
      USA: bʌ'ŋ UK: bʌŋ
    1. be down
      USA: biː· daʊ'n UK: biː daʊn
lecsúszott emberexp
    1. deadbeat
      USA: de'dbiː"t UK: dedbiːt
    1. back number
      USA: bæ'k nʌ'mbəː· UK: bæk nʌmbər
lecsúszott/valaha jobb napokat látottexp
    1. he has come down
      USA: hiː' hʌ·z kʌ'm daʊ'n UK: hiː hæz kʌm daʊn
igen lecsúszottexp
    1. he has came down in the world
      USA: hiː' hʌ·z keɪ'm daʊ'n ɪ'n ðiː· wəː'ld UK: hiː hæz keɪm daʊn ɪn ðiː wəːld
ő egy lecsúszott emberexp
    1. figurative spiantato
    1. figurative old dicaduto
    1. figurative declassato
    1. figurative decaduto
  1. társadalmilag
    1. figurative marginale
lecsúszott alaknoun
nagyon lecsúszottundef
  1. anyagilag
lecsúszott egyénundef
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