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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
69 matches in 9 dictionaries. Details
    1. unload
      USA: ʌ·nloʊ'd UK: ʌnloʊd
    1. unload
      USA: ʌ·nloʊ'd UK: ʌnloʊd
    1. unburden
      USA: ʌ·nbəː'dʌ·n UK: ʌnbəːdn
    1. informal shove off
      USA: ʃʌ'v ɔː'f UK: ʃʌv ɔf
    1. put down
      USA: pʊ't daʊ'n UK: pʊt daʊn
    1. lay down
      USA: leɪ' daʊ'n UK: leɪ daʊn
    1. land
      USA: læ'nd UK: lænd
    1. dump
      USA: dʌ'mp UK: dʌmp
    1. deposit
      USA: dʌ·pɔ'zʌ·t UK: dɪpɔzɪt
    1. depose
      USA: dʌ·poʊ'z UK: dɪpoʊz
    1. putting
      USA: pʊ'tɪ·ŋ UK: pʌtɪŋ
    1. laying
      USA: leɪ'ɪ·ŋ UK: leɪɪŋ
    1. depository
      USA: dʌ·pɔ'zʌ·tɔː"riː· UK: dɪpɔzɪtriː
lerakat vezetőjenoun
    1. stocker
      USA: stɔ'kəː· UK: stɔkər
lerakja az alapjátv
    1. found
      USA: faʊ'nd UK: faʊnd
    1. landfill
      USA: læ'ndfɪ"l UK: lændfɪl
    1. subsidence
      USA: sʌ·bsaɪ'dʌ·ns UK: səbsaɪdns
    1. sludge
      USA: slʌ'ʤ UK: slʌʤ
  1. geol
    1. sedimentation
      USA: se"dʌ·mʌ·nteɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: sedɪmenteɪʃn
    1. lodgment
      UK: lɔʤmənt
    1. lodgement
      UK: lɔʤmənt
  2. chem ind
    1. foot
      USA: fʊ't UK: fʊt
  3. geo env
    1. deposition
      USA: de"pʌ·zɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: depəzɪʃn
  4. chem ind env
    1. deposit
      USA: dʌ·pɔ'zʌ·t UK: dɪpɔzɪt
    1. crust
      USA: krʌ'st UK: krʌst
  5. geol
    1. bed
      USA: be'd UK: bed
    1. alluvium, alluvia
      UK: əluːvjəm əluːvjə
lerakódásos területnoun
    1. slob
      USA: slɔ'b UK: slɔb
    1. unload
      USA: ʌ·nloʊ'd UK: ʌnloʊd
    1. crust
      USA: krʌ'st UK: krʌst
    1. be deposited
      USA: biː· dʌ·pɔ'zʌ·tʌ·d UK: biː dɪpɔzɪtɪd
    1. staple
      USA: steɪ'pʌ·l UK: steɪpl
    1. dump
      USA: dʌ'mp UK: dʌmp
lerakódott koromnoun
    1. crock
      USA: krɔ'k UK: krɔk
    1. dumpsite
      UK: dʌmpsaɪt
    1. dump
      USA: dʌ'mp UK: dʌmp
    1. placed
      USA: pleɪ'st UK: pleɪst
új lerakódásnoun
    1. resettlement
      USA: riː·se'tʌ·lmʌ·nt UK: riːsetlmənt
zsebbe lerakódott szemétnoun
    1. informal fug
      UK: fʌg
ikrát lerak (osztriga)v
    1. spat
      USA: spæ't UK: spæt
    1. terhet abstellen
    1. r Stapel
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Stapel
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Stapels
    1. e Niederlassung
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Niederlassungen
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Niederlassung
    1. regional e Niederlage
    1. s Lager
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Lager
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Lagers
    1. s Depot
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Depots
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Depots
    1. stand r Ableger
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