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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
130 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
load and execute programexp USA: loʊ'd ʌ·nd e'ksʌ·kyuː"t proʊ'græ"m UK: loʊd ənd eksɪkjuːt proʊgræm
loadedadj USA: loʊ'dʌ·d UK: loʊdɪd
loaded caneexp USA: loʊ'dʌ·d keɪ'n UK: loʊdɪd keɪn
loaded diceexp USA: loʊ'dʌ·d daɪ's UK: loʊdɪd daɪs
loaded questionnoun USA: loʊ'dʌ·d kwe'ʃʌ·n UK: loʊdɪd kwestʃən
loaded stickexp USA: loʊ'dʌ·d stɪ'k UK: loʊdɪd stɪk
loadingnoun USA: loʊ'dɪ·ŋ UK: loʊdɪŋ
loadingnoun USA: loʊ'dɪ·ŋ UK: loʊdɪŋ
loadingadj USA: loʊ'dɪ·ŋ UK: loʊdɪŋ
loading beltnoun USA: loʊ'dɪ·ŋ be'lt UK: loʊdɪŋ belt
loading berthexp USA: loʊ'dɪ·ŋ bəː'θ UK: loʊdɪŋ bəːθ
loading gear assyexp
loading motorexp USA: loʊ'dɪ·ŋ moʊ'təː· UK: loʊdɪŋ moʊtər
loading stripnoun USA: loʊ'dɪ·ŋ strɪ'p UK: loʊdɪŋ strɪp
load point markerexp USA: loʊ'd pɔɪ'nt mɔ'rkəː· UK: loʊd pɔɪnt mɑkər
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