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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
10 matches in 7 dictionaries. Details
    1. tenseness
      UK: tensnəs
    1. tautness
      UK: tɔːtnəs
    1. stiffness
      USA: stɪ'fnʌ·s UK: stɪfnəs
    1. sternness
      USA: stəː'nʌ·s UK: stəːnnəs
    1. informal starch
      USA: stɔ'rtʃ UK: stɑtʃ
    1. rigour
      UK: rɪgər
    1. rigor
      USA: rɪ'gəː· UK: rɪgə
    1. rigidity
      USA: rɪ·ʤɪ'dʌ·tiː· UK: rɪʤɪdɪtiː
    1. fixity
      UK: fɪksɪtiː
    1. brittleness
      UK: brɪtlnəs
    1. e Straffheit
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Straffheit
    1. e Steifigkeit
    1. e Steifheit
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Steifheit
    1. e Steife
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Steifen
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Steife
    1. e Starrheit
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Starrheit
    1. figurative f immobilité
    1. figurative f glace
  1. med
    1. rare catalessia
  2. med
ízületi merevségundef
ízületi merevségnoun
    1. anchilosi
      f inv anchilósi v. anchílosi
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