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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
16 matches in 7 dictionaries. Details
    1. urge
      USA: əː'ʤ UK: əːʤ
    1. speed
      USA: spiː'd UK: spiːd
    1. rush
      USA: rʌ'ʃ UK: rʌʃ
    1. push
      USA: pʊ'ʃ UK: pʊʃ
    1. push on
      USA: pʊ'ʃ ɔ'n UK: pʊʃ ɔn
    1. press
      USA: pre's UK: pres
    1. press on
      USA: pre's ɔ'n UK: pres ɔn
    1. press forward
      USA: pre's fɔː'rwəː·d UK: pres fɔːwəd
    1. precipitate
      USA: prʌ·sɪ'pʌ·teɪ"t UK: prɪsɪpɪteɪt
    1. hasten
      USA: heɪ'sʌ·n UK: heɪsn
    1. expedite
      USA: e'kspʌ·daɪ"t UK: ekspɪdaɪt
    1. bustle
      USA: bʌ'sʌ·l UK: bʌsl
    1. anticipate
      USA: æ·ntɪ'sʌ·peɪ"t UK: æntɪsɪpeɪt
    1. antedate
      UK: æntɪdeɪt
    1. accelerate
      USA: æ·kse'ləː·eɪ"t UK: əkseləreɪt
    1. quickening
      USA: kwɪ'kʌ·nɪ·ŋ UK: kwɪkənɪŋ
siettet vkitv
mesterségesen siettetettadj
  1. agr
    1. forced
      USA: fɔː'rst UK: fɔːst
    1. przynaglać kogoś do pośpiechu popędzać
      1. firstPersonSingular:
      2. popędzam
      1. thirdPersonSingular:
      2. popędza
      1. seeAlso:
    2. przynaglać kogoś do pośpiechu popędzić
      1. firstPersonSingular:
      2. popędzę
      1. thirdPersonSingular:
      2. popędzi
      1. seeAlso:
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