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English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society

English-Hungarian moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
25 Words
30 Translations
5 Examples
0 Expressions
14 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
abortionnoun USA: ʌ·bɔː'rʃʌ·n UK: əbɔːʃn
procured abortionnoun USA: proʊ·kyʊ'rd ʌ·bɔː'rʃʌ·n UK: prəkjʊəd əbɔːʃn
procured abortionexp USA: proʊ·kyʊ'rd ʌ·bɔː'rʃʌ·n UK: prəkjʊəd əbɔːʃn
produce abortionexp USA: proʊ'duː·s ʌ·bɔː'rʃʌ·n UK: prɔdjuːs əbɔːʃn
have an abortionexp USA: hæ'v ʌ·n ʌ·bɔː'rʃʌ·n UK: hæv ən əbɔːʃn
(induced) abortionundef
procure abortionundef
procured abortionundef
procuring abortionundef
provisions permitting abortion within the first three months of pregnancyundef
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