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Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-m-a
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heart of oakexp USA: hɔ'rt ʌ·v oʊ'k UK: hɑt ɔv oʊk
heart of adamantexp USA: hɔ'rt ʌ·v æ'dʌ·mʌ·nt UK: hɑt ɔv ædəmənt
heart of goldexp USA: hɔ'rt ʌ·v goʊ'ld UK: hɑt ɔv goʊld
heavy application of fertilizersexp USA: he'viː· æ"plʌ·keɪ'ʃʌ·n ʌ·v fəː'tʌ·laɪ"zəː·z UK: heviː æplɪkeɪʃn ɔv fəːtəlaɪzəz
hell of a noiseexp USA: he'l ʌ·v eɪ' nɔɪ'z UK: hel ɔv eɪ nɔɪz
glimmer of hopeexp USA: glɪ'məː· ʌ·v hoʊ'p UK: glɪmər ɔv hoʊp
hang of an argumentexp USA: hæ'ŋ ʌ·v ʌ·n ɔ'rgyʌ·mʌ·nt UK: hæŋ ɔv ən ɑgjʊmənt
hard of hearingexp USA: hɔ'rd ʌ·v hɪ'rɪ·ŋ UK: hɑd ɔv hɪərɪŋ
have a fit of bluesv USA: hæ'v eɪ' fɪ't ʌ·v bluː'z UK: hæv eɪ fɪt ɔv bluːz
have a fit of bluesexp USA: hæ'v eɪ' fɪ't ʌ·v bluː'z UK: hæv eɪ fɪt ɔv bluːz
have a heart of flintexp USA: hæ'v eɪ' hɔ'rt ʌ·v flɪ'nt UK: hæv eɪ hɑt ɔv flɪnt
have nerves of ironexp USA: hæ'v nəː'vz ʌ·v aɪ'əː·n UK: hæv nəːvz ɔv aɪən
have an intuition ofexp USA: hæ'v ʌ·n ɪ"ntuː·ɪ'ʃʌ·n ʌ·v UK: hæv ən ɪntjuːɪʃn ɔv
letter of hypothecationexp UK: letər ɔv haɪpɔθɪkeɪʃən
legion of honourexp UK: liːʤən ɔv ɔnər
line of housesexp USA: laɪ'n ʌ·v haʊ'sʌ·z UK: laɪn ɔv haʊzɪz
maid of honourexp UK: meɪd ɔv ɔnər
maid of honorexp USA: meɪ'd ʌ·v ɔ'nəː· UK: meɪd ɔv ɔnər
note of handexp USA: noʊ't ʌ·v hæ'nd UK: noʊt ɔv hænd
of high concernexp USA: ʌ·v haɪ' kʌ·nsəː'n UK: ɔv haɪ kənsəːn
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