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12 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
assumptionnoun USA: ʌ·sʌ'mpʃʌ·n UK: əsʌmpʃn
      1. He listened to their story with an assumption of indifference.
          1. Közömbösséget színlelve hallgatta beszámolójukat.
      1. Their assumption that prices would stop increasing was proved wrong.
          1. Azon feltételezésük, miszerint az árak növekedése megtorpan, tévesnek bizonyult.
    1. philos
    1. They had a big dinner party to celebrate his assumption of office as a new member of the firm's presidency.
        1. Nagyszabású vacsorával ünnepelték meg hivatalba lépését, mint a cég új elnökségi tagja.
lift an assumptionv USA: lɪ'ft ʌ·n ʌ·sʌ'mpʃʌ·n UK: lɪft ən əsʌmpʃn
assumption of credit riskundef
assumption of debtundef
assumption of indebtednessundef
assumption of liabilityundef
assumption of officeundef
assumption of riskundef
assumptions of officeundef
arbitrary assumptionundef
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