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English-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-m-a
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egész jólexp
    1. in the pink
      USA: ɪ'n ðiː· pɪ'ŋk UK: ɪn ðiː pɪŋk
egész jól vanexp
nem érzem magam egészen jólexp
nem érzi magát egészen jólexp
    1. not look quite the thing
      USA: nɔ't lʊ'k kwaɪ't ðiː· θɪ'ŋ UK: nɔt lʊk kwaɪt ðiː θɪŋ
    1. not feel quite the thing
      USA: nɔ't fiː'l kwaɪ't ðiː· θɪ'ŋ UK: nɔt fiːl kwaɪt ðiː θɪŋ
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