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English-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-m-a
29 matches in 2 dictionaries.
hand to
USA: hæ'nd tʌ· UK: hænd tuː
he tried to get his hand loose
USA: hiː' traɪ'd tʌ· gɪ't hʌ·z hæ'nd luː's UK: hiː traɪd tuː get hɪz hænd luːs
I just wanted to apologize for saying that I wanted to get my hands on your juicy behind.
USA: aɪ' ʤʌ·st wɔː'nʌ·d tʌ· ʌ·pɔ'lʌ·ʤaɪ"z frəː· seɪ'ɪ·ŋ ðʌ·t aɪ' wɔː'nʌ·d tʌ· gɪ't maɪ' hæ'nz ɔ'n yʊ'r ʤuː'siː· bʌ·haɪ'nd UK: aɪ ʤʌst wɔntɪd tuː əpɔləʤaɪz fəː seɪɪŋ ðət aɪ wɔntɪd tuː get maɪ hændz ɔn jɔːr ʤuːsiː bɪhaɪnd
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