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English-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-m-a
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59 matches in 12 dictionaries. Details
mopv intrans v USA: mɔ'p UK: mɔp
mopednoun UK: moʊpt
mopesnoun UK: moʊps
mop fairnoun USA: mɔ'p fe'r UK: mɔp feər
mopingadj USA: moʊ'pɪ·ŋ UK: moʊpɪŋ
mopishadj UK: moʊpɪʃ
mop of hairexp USA: mɔ'p ʌ·v he'r UK: mɔp ɔv heər
moppetnoun UK: mɔppet
moppingv USA: mɔ'pɪ·ŋ UK: mɔpɪŋ
mops and mowsexp USA: mɔ'ps ʌ·nd maʊ'z UK: mɔps ənd moʊz
dish mopnoun USA: dɪ'ʃ mɔ'p UK: dɪʃ mɔp
the mopesnoun UK: ðiː moʊps
baker's oven mopexp USA: beɪ'kəː·z ʌ'vʌ·n mɔ'p UK: beɪkəz ʌvn mɔp
losses that mop up all the profitsexp USA: lɔː'sʌ·z ðʌ·t mɔ'p ʌ'p ɔː'l ðiː· prɔ'fʌ·ts UK: lɔsɪz ðət mɔp ʌp ɔːl ðiː prɔfɪts
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