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English-Hungarian invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-m-a
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7 matches in 5 dictionaries. Details
    1. ram
      USA: ræ'm UK: ræm
  1. arch
    1. monkey
      USA: mʌ'ŋkiː· UK: mʌŋkiː
    1. maul
      USA: mɔː'l UK: mɔːl
    1. mallet
      USA: mæ'lʌ·t UK: mælɪt
    1. mall
      USA: mɔː'l UK: mɔːl
    1. dolly
      USA: dɔ'liː· UK: dɔliː
    1. beetle
      USA: biː'tʌ·l UK: biːtl
    1. battledore
      UK: bætldɔːr
    1. bat
      USA: bæ't UK: bæt
cölöpverő sulyoknoun
    1. rammer
      USA: ræ'məː· UK: ræmə
  1. arch
    1. r Treiber
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Treiber
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Treibers
    1. r Schlegel
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Schlegel
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Schlegels
    1. e Schlage
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Schlagen
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Schlage
    1. e Ramme
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Rammen
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Ramme
    1. e Pritsche
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Pritschen
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Pritsche
    1. regional e Patsche
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Patschen
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Patsche
    1. r Klotz
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Klotzes
    1. e Keule
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Keulen
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Keule
  1. mészárosé
sulyokkal csapkodva mosundef
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