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English-German simple dictionary

English-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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105192 Words
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matches in the
frisbeenoun USA: frɪ'sbiː·
Frisconoun proper name USA: friː'skoʊ·
frisknoun USA: frɪ'sk UK: frɪsk
friskyadj USA: frɪ'skiː· UK: frɪskiː
frissonnoun UK: friːsɔn
fritternoun USA: frɪ'təː· UK: frɪtər
fritterv trans v USA: frɪ'təː· UK: frɪtər
fritter awayv trans v USA: frɪ'təː· ʌ·weɪ' UK: frɪtər əweɪ
fritznoun USA: frɪ'ts UK: frɪts
frivolv UK: frɪvl
frivoladj UK: frɪvl
frivolitynoun USA: frʌ·vɔ'lʌ·tiː· UK: frɪvɔlɪtiː
frizzv trans v UK: frɪz
frizzlev intrans v UK: frɪzl
frizzlev trans v UK: frɪzl
frizzlev intrans v UK: frɪzl
frizzyadj UK: frɪziː
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