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English-German simple dictionary

English-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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sobersidesnoun noun
sobrietynoun USA: sʌ·braɪ'ʌ·tiː· UK: səbraɪətiː
sobriquetnoun USA: sʌ"brʌ·ke't UK: soʊbrɪkeɪ
socagenoun UK: sɔkɪʤ
so-calledadj USA: soʊ'kɔ'ld
soccernoun USA: sɔ'kəː· UK: sɔkər
soccer fieldnoun USA: sɔ'kəː· fiː'ld UK: sɔkər fiːld
soccer shoesexp USA: sɔ'kəː· ʃuː'z UK: sɔkər ʃuːz
sociabilitynoun UK: soʊʃəbɪlɪtiː
sociableadj USA: soʊ'ʃʌ·bʌ·l UK: soʊʃəbl
sociablyadv UK: soʊʃəbliː
socialnoun USA: soʊ'ʃʌ·l UK: soʊʃl
socialadj USA: soʊ'ʃʌ·l UK: soʊʃl
social backgroundexp USA: soʊ'ʃʌ·l bæ'kgraʊ"nd UK: soʊʃl bækgraʊnd
social capitalexp USA: soʊ'ʃʌ·l kæ'pʌ·tʌ·l UK: soʊʃl kæpɪtəl
social classexp USA: soʊ'ʃʌ·l klæ's UK: soʊʃl klɑs
social climberexp USA: soʊ'ʃʌ·l klaɪ'məː· UK: soʊʃl klaɪmər
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