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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
innardsnoun noun USA: ɪ'nəː·dz UK: ɪnəʤ
innates of the prisonexp
innernoun USA: ɪ'nəː· UK: ɪnər
inner tubeexp USA: ɪ'nəː· tyuː'b UK: ɪnər tjuːb
innermostadj USA: ɪ'nəː·moʊ"st UK: ɪnəmoʊst
innervationnoun UK: ɪnəːveɪʃən
inningnoun USA: ɪ'nɪ·ŋ UK: ɪnɪŋ
inningsnoun noun USA: ɪ'nɪ·ŋz UK: ɪnɪŋz
innkeepernoun USA: ɪ'nkiː"pəː· UK: ɪnkiːpər
innocencenoun USA: ɪ'nʌ·sʌ·ns UK: ɪnəsns
innocentnoun USA: ɪ'nʌ·sʌ·nt UK: ɪnəsnt
innocentlyadv USA: ɪ'nʌ·sʌ·ntliː· UK: ɪnəsntliː
innocuousadj USA: ɪ"nɔ'kyuː·ʌ·s UK: ɪnɔkjʊəs
innovatev intrans v USA: ɪ'noʊ·veɪ"t UK: ɪnəveɪt
innovationnoun USA: ɪ"noʊ·veɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: ɪnəveɪʃn
innovativeadj USA: ɪ'noʊ·veɪ"tɪ·v UK: ɪnoʊvətɪv
innovatornoun USA: ɪ'noʊ·veɪ"təː· UK: ɪnəveɪtər
innuendonoun USA: ɪ"nyuː·e'ndoʊ· UK: ɪnjuːendoʊ
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