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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
ashnoun USA: æ'ʃ UK: æʃ
ashnoun USA: æ'ʃ UK: æʃ
ashv trans v USA: æ'ʃ UK: æʃ
Ash Wednesdaynoun USA: æ'ʃ we'nzdeɪ" UK: æʃ wenzdɪ
ashamedadj USA: ʌ·ʃeɪ'md UK: əʃeɪmd
ashamed / be - of sthexp
ash-cannoun UK: æʃkæn
ashenadj USA: æ'ʃʌ·n UK: æʃn
ashlarnoun UK: æʃlə
ashlar archexp UK: æʃlə ɑtʃ
ashlar brickexp UK: æʃlə brɪk
ashlar workexp UK: æʃlə wəːk
ashoreadv USA: ʌ·ʃɔː'r UK: əʃɔːr
ashramnoun UK: æʃræm
ashtraynoun USA: æ'ʃtreɪ" UK: æʃtreɪ
ashyadj USA: æ'ʃiː· UK: æʃiː
mountain ashnoun USA: maʊ'ntʌ·n æ'ʃ UK: maʊntɪn æʃ
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